Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just When I Think I Am Done

Thanks to Chris Brogan for giving me this blog title and topic to write about. It's number 98 on his list of blog topics to write about. Visit his blog and review the list for yourself.

When I first thought about this topic, I thought about how many times I find myself saying this...just when I think I Am Done I find more work, more writing and more advertising to do. No matter how many times I go over the list there is always more to add. I am the Queen of Perpetual Lists. Now that would be a cool blog topic, don't you think? In fact, that would be a nice blog niche. Can you imagine the thousands of ways a person could use that topic to write. There would be enough content to last months and years just from a few brainstorming sessions. You see, therein lies my problem. I am not capable of turning off the idea stream. If I try to quiet my brain then more ideas just seem to roll in. I'm driven to get the paper and pen or the laptop to start writing them down. It's constant for me and that is why I became a freelance writer. This is a fantastic outlet for a relentless flow of energy from my mind to the active part of my brain. And you know what? I am never done!




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