Thursday, April 22, 2010

12 Reasons to take Blog you Back Opportunities

If you belong to blog companies or social networks, then you've probably seen the "Blog Me and I'll Blog U Back Challenges or Opportunities". You might be asking yourself why you would take time to blog review another blog in exchange for getting your site reviewed in return. The biggest factor you may be questioning this practice might be the money, since these exchanges are usually reciprocal and without pay. I'm going to list 12 Reasons to take Blog you Back Opportunities and let you decide if this blogging practice is for you. At the end of this post, I'm placing a challenge to the first ten people who leave a comment. Read to the end of this post to find out what it is.

Reason Number 1.

It will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that you helped bring attention to a fellow /sista blogger which will draw a wider audience for them. Brownie points and good karma duly noted. It also fulfills the golden rule. 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' So that's how the whole blog me back concept got started, huh?

Reason Number 2.

The person you review will feel so ego inflated that they will place a link and probably make mention in a subsequent post or on Twitter and Facebook and MySpace that you wrote about them. In their state of gratitude they will easily give you two to four back links to the article that you wrote about them or their blog. Presto. Two to four backlinks with very little effort. More visitors to your blog again and maybe a few followers.

Reason Number 3.

It will broaden your horizons and challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to fall into a routine with your blogging like so many of us do with every day life? After awhile we find ourselves rehashing the same topics or people or places or events trying desperately to find a new spin on leftovers. Blog you back opps open the door for brand new content with very different styles and approaches. You will become a more versatile writer.




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