Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blues Brothers 2000 John The Revelator

Thursday, April 22, 2010

12 Reasons to take Blog you Back Opportunities

If you belong to blog companies or social networks, then you've probably seen the "Blog Me and I'll Blog U Back Challenges or Opportunities". You might be asking yourself why you would take time to blog review another blog in exchange for getting your site reviewed in return. The biggest factor you may be questioning this practice might be the money, since these exchanges are usually reciprocal and without pay. I'm going to list 12 Reasons to take Blog you Back Opportunities and let you decide if this blogging practice is for you. At the end of this post, I'm placing a challenge to the first ten people who leave a comment. Read to the end of this post to find out what it is.

Reason Number 1.

It will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that you helped bring attention to a fellow /sista blogger which will draw a wider audience for them. Brownie points and good karma duly noted. It also fulfills the golden rule. 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' So that's how the whole blog me back concept got started, huh?

Reason Number 2.

The person you review will feel so ego inflated that they will place a link and probably make mention in a subsequent post or on Twitter and Facebook and MySpace that you wrote about them. In their state of gratitude they will easily give you two to four back links to the article that you wrote about them or their blog. Presto. Two to four backlinks with very little effort. More visitors to your blog again and maybe a few followers.

Reason Number 3.

It will broaden your horizons and challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to fall into a routine with your blogging like so many of us do with every day life? After awhile we find ourselves rehashing the same topics or people or places or events trying desperately to find a new spin on leftovers. Blog you back opps open the door for brand new content with very different styles and approaches. You will become a more versatile writer.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Heard it from a Friend who heard Twitter launched paid tweeting

I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard that Twitter is launching a CPC program that will allow sponsored tweeting right on your official twitter account. Now that's a hot idea and I'll be featuring the juice on this rumor that I heard from a friend who heard it from a friend. As soon as I get some "official Twitter intel", I'll be posting it on The Twitter Files so watch for that to happen soon. Meanwhile, thank my friend Jeremy "Shoe Money" Shoemaker for passing that info on to me so I could share it with you. Jeremy gives the "skinny" on this hot off the press Twitter news so scoot on over to his website to READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!

SOB!!! After reading Jeremy's full post I learned that Twitter is only opening this up to let the big boys play first. They can afford to lose the money, says Shoemoney but what about us? It's our content they'll be selling. 


Get a chance to win up to 2 free ipads by joining me in referring others to sign up for Shoe Money's Xtreme Internet Marketing Course.  IT'S FREE SO HURRY AND CLICK THE LINK TO SIGN UP THEN START REFERRING OTHERS. You have nothing to lose and knowledge to gain and maybe two free ipads. Sweet!

See you on Twitter. Oh yeah, follow me at @midnightwriter1, please.

Just When I Think I Am Done

Thanks to Chris Brogan for giving me this blog title and topic to write about. It's number 98 on his list of blog topics to write about. Visit his blog and review the list for yourself.
When I first thought about this topic, I thought about how many times I find myself saying this...just when I think I Am Done I find more work, more writing and more advertising to do. No matter how many times I go over the list there is always more to add. I am the Queen of Perpetual Lists. Now that would be a cool blog topic, don't you think? In fact, that would be a nice blog niche. Can you imagine the thousands of ways a person could use that topic to write. There would be enough content to last months and years just from a few brainstorming sessions. You see, therein lies my problem. I am not capable of turning off the idea stream. If I try to quiet my brain then more ideas just seem to roll in. I'm driven to get the paper and pen or the laptop to start writing them down. It's constant for me and that is why I became a freelance writer. This is a fantastic outlet for a relentless flow of energy from my mind to the active part of my brain. And you know what? I am never done!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chris Brogan gives away 100 Blog Titles

Since I'm blogging about brainstorming blog topics, I think it's appropriate to feature another writer who is overflowing with ideas. Start off by visiting his website then after you browse for a few minutes to get familiar with his style, come back and I'll tell you a bit about how and why I chose his blog title giveaway for this blog.

So did you visit Chris Brogan's site? What did you think of his style and his writing? Did he make you think? Were you inspired by him?

Do you have your answers yet? Okay. I'll tell you what I think now. I like his site and his blog style as well as Chris' writing. He both inspired me and made me think and that is why I'm writing this post right now.

It all started out as a simple search engine quest to study other blogs that write about choosing blog topics and titles. There were so many in the first few pages that I relied upon inspiration to guide me to the first one that I wanted to read for this project.

Introducing Chris Brogan.

I skipped the rest of the sites until another time because his blog drew me in and when I found his post giving away 100 blog titles, I felt challenged and inspired. I want to share that challenge with you.

I'm aiming to feature all 100 of his blog titles right here on Blog Me Back 2. If you will write a post for one or more of these same blog titles, comment below or email me at I will share a reciprocal link from my post of the same title to yours if you will do the same.  As a bonus, I will give you five blog post titles to run away with.

Sound like fun? Let the challenge begin! We'll have monthly updates on this little challenge and I hope we get lots of players. See you next month right here! Happy blogging.

The Midnight Writer

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

10 Top Blog Topic Ideas

Some mornings I wake up and tell myself that I just don't know what to write about today. I have many blogs and other writing assignments on a daily basis so my creativity is tapped into continually. After struggling with this a little while, I realized that I had to find a way to fill the wellspring of my creative flow. So I began a quest to find sources for blog topic ideas.

The top ten blog topic ideas are only a beginning in this series for me. It's a start and every journey starts somewhere. Let's get going.

The top blog topic idea is revolutionary yet simple and so obvious.

1. Find the top 100 blogs and their authors on the internet and study their style while you read their posts to get a feel for the content topics. Let the pros inspire you while you read. Take a pen and paper and write whatever comes to mind as you read. Your notes can be a word or a few words. Write blog titles or just topic ideas but write down all the inspiration that comes to mind. The first time you practice this method, you may only write a few ideas. With practice, this technique will get easier. It will become one of your favorites and you will fill notebooks with ideas to tap into when you need a creative nudge.

2. Blog about your family. This is a source for dozens, if not hundreds of topic ideas.
3. Friends are a versatile, fascinating source for topics.
4. Blog about 2012. Research events current and past regarding world events and prophecy.
5. Tap into your Childhood.
6. Natural Disasters are a current hot topic and there is plenty of news every day about earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, volcanoes, and hurricanes. Meteors and comets are fast becoming an every day topic along with electromagnetic pulses. Just read the daily news for ideas. You will not be left wanting.
7. Religion and its impact on the world today.
8. Politics. This also covers diplomatic relations, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
9. Children and how theworld views them.
10. Food. The world food supply. Diet. Health. Nutrition. Longevity. Nutritional supplements. Naturopathic tonics. Herbs, vitamins, and minerals.

The Midnight Writer

Monday, April 12, 2010

Marriage of Pryor Cashman's Banking Group to Janna Bullock's daughter

Friday, April 9, 2010

No Medical Questionnaire to Qualify - Aucun questionnaire médical à qualifier

French and English Translation - Traduction en anglais française et

Hésitez-vous à trouver l'hospitalisation d'assurance médicale maladie parce que vous avez peur pour compléter un questionnaire médical ? Appliquez pour l'assurance avec mutuelle hospitalisation et vous n'aurez pas besoin de compléter cette forme. Ils garantiront vos coûts d'hospitalisation avec un contrat signé quand vous devez l'employer. C'est un plan peu coûteux, trop ainsi visitez le site Web pour l'hospitalisation de mutuelle et lisez tous à son sujet. Si vous avez d'autres questions, il y a une ligne directe pour inviter le site Web. Un agent répondra à toutes vos questions légales au sujet des maladies qui exigent l'hospitalisation et ce qui est couvert pour combien et ainsi de suite.  Découvrez comment l'assurance payera pour fournir votre juste de médicament à votre maison ou comment ils payeront le transport à et du hospital.

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The Midnight Writer  ~  L'auteur de minuit

English translation below:   Traduction en anglais ci-dessous :

Do you hesitate to find health insurance hospitalization because you're afraid to fill out a medical questionnaire? Apply for coverage with Mutual Insurance and you won't need to fill out this form. They will guarantee your hospitalization costs with a signed contract when you need to use it. It's an inexpensive plan, too so visit the website for mutuelle hospitalisation and read all about it. If you have further questions, there is a hotline to call on the website. An agent will answer all your legal questions about illnesses that require hospitalization and what is covered for how much and so on.  Find out how the insurance will pay to deliver your medication right to your home or how they will pay for transportation to and from the hospital.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Make Money on Twitter with Sponsored Tweets

Have you signed up to Sponsored Tweets yet? I joined a couple months ago and have made a little extra cash. I'm hoping that I get more opportunities to write for them. That will depend upon how many followers I have. The requirement to sign up as a sponsored tweeter is 200 followers.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bloggers Expand their Horizons on Facebook

Social Networks bring a new realm to blogging that helps to draw a wider audience. People who like Facebook will read about your blog(s) if you post regular updates there. Include a link back to your blog to provide quality backlinks and to draw readers to your actual site. It does matter if visitors actually click onto your site and if they stay awhile. How are bloggers using Facebook these days? Let's explore that social arena to find out.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pro Media Blog

I performed a search on Google looking for popular blog topics. In that search, I discovered a blog titled "Pro Media Blog" at the top of the listing. So I clicked it to check out the information. I was impressed with their presentation on my topic search. The article titled "10 Most Popular Blog Topics to Make Money Online" impressed me enough to review it on my blog. Normally, I would write to the blog owner first and request a reciprocal review. Instead, I decided to offer good content material to my readers and then notify the author to read my review. Here is my opinion of Pro Media Blog.



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