Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Let me have it! Send me your Blog Url

I've had the idea for this blog almost two years but recently just pulled it from invisibility, bought the domain name, gave it a new face and started fleshing out some good content topics. It still lacks the momentum I desire for it though. I need to blog about you and I need you to blog me back. I have over 50 blogs of great variety and style with multiple niches, so you won't be at a loss for words when you review my network.

Here's the deal: 

From today until the last day of March, I will write a review for everyone who leaves a comment on this blog between those dates. The review will appear in one of my blogs that you get to choose. I'll email you the complete list after I read your comment. Please include your email, name and blog url that you want reviewed. I'll write approximately 200 words and I'll include one photo and two links. Blogs will reviewed in the order the comments are dated.

Part two of this contest involves participation from you. After I write the blog review for your site, I will leave a comment with the link to the review on your blog. Once this is done, if you accept this challenge, then you have to write a review about one of my sites on your blog and notify me when it's finished.

I'm hoping I get a lot of feedback on this one. Let's go for 100 reviews. Wouldn't that be exciting!!?? Please spread the word on Twitter, Facebook, My Space and on your blogs. I'll leave the light on for ya!

The Midnight Writer




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