Are you ready to take the plunge? I am and my fingers are hot and ready to tap those keys as I write about you, or your blog, or your website or your company or a service or product that you provide. I want to experience the art of writing reviews about others like you for several reasons. We can count them here.
First, it will help me polish my writing skills and I will develop a better eye for physical and grammatical layouts in both blogs and websites. Blogging about others,or writing reviews, will help you polish your skills, too. That is very important for a freelance writer.
Second, it is not always about the money! It’s really not! Sometimes it’s about recognition. Get your name out there by writing as many reviews as possible to help you get noticed as an author. The beauty about writing reviews about others on your blog is it builds pages that are cached in google and other search engines.
Third, if you write reviews on your blogs, you gain page count to help increase your blog rank while you build some quality content on your blog. The first year is sort of proving grounds for any blog to figure out if the subject matter is readable and if it will carry both an audience and your interest as the writer. If both happen, it’s a good blog and I say promote it.
Finally, reciprocal blogging builds back links to your site and the for the person you are writing about. Include some hyperlinks to help bring attention to other pages deep within your site and theirs to really increase the view value and page value of a blog.
There is one major point that I almost forgot to mention- you retain the authorship of your work right on your own site. In freelance writing, that is what I call having the best of both worlds.
So have fun and Blog Me Back Too! What are you waiting for?
The Midnight Writer
Technorati Tags: reciprocal blogging,reviews,critique,freelance writing,Blog Me Back Too,The Midnight Writer,The Midnight Writers Blogs,promote
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