I hope this sparked your competitive interests and that I have some takers out there among those who love challenges and contests. As the title says, this is a two for one blogging challenge.
Cute graphic, huh? I chose it to symbolize the act of writing because that is the theme of this blog, writing reviews. That is also what the challenge is about.
So what’s the deal, you ask?
Bend your ears close to listen and I’ll tell you.
I challenge you to choose one of my blogs out of a list of ten. Each blog has themes, widgets, programs, social sites and other features. Choose something about the blog in general or in particular and write a review on your blog.
Please provide one photo or a video and three links back to the site that you choose with keywords taken from the blog being reviewed. Just find commonly used words on the blog and pick three of them. Hyperlink those keywords to three pages on the chosen blog to be reviewed. Please do not select only the top page, but go deep within the blog and choose 3 links to specific blog post titles.
Once you finish the blog post review about my site on your blog, then leave a comment on the blog that you reviewed with a link back to the site where the review was written. This will give each of us a back link to our sites while it gives you coverage on your review. People looking for writers to write a review will accept this as a sample of your work, so keep it professional.
Here is an important note about writing reviews for me: be honest. Write a review with decent language but use honest literary critiquing skills. Praise what is worthy and criticize where improvements are needed. This will help us both grow as bloggers, writers and blog reviewers.
Please follow up with a brief email telling me the url to your blog review post on your site. I will publicize this url to my social networks to give you more back links. In turn, I will also write a review about your site on this blog.
Next, I will make honorable mention of my review about your blog on one of my domain blogs and provide another back link to you. I will post your social network tags at the end of my post.
So what’s the two for one?
It’s a return review with an honorable mention on a second blog and back links on both blogs with buzz on the social networks.
Not enough for you?
(This award will be given once a month to the most creative review, based on public votes.)
You will receive the opportunity to write a guest post on one of my blogs or I will send you 300 Entrecard credits or I will give you one free month advertising in the sidebar of one of my main blogs using your 125 x 125 ad.
Sound good? Great! The first person to comment on this post will get a free review on one of my main domain blogs and 100 Entrecard credits without any further participation necessary. Please leave a link in the comment to your blog.
For more details, email themidnightwriter1@gmail.com.
Thanks for visiting and I can’t wait to read your reviews or to write my reviews about you!
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